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  • Writer's picturekimberlynhule

Week 9 Response

The idea of giving a translation application credit for writing a piece is a little off-putting because it’s sort of like giving credit to a computer, which is seen as an inanimate object. It’s especially off-putting in the context of today, where computers are becoming more capable of completing tasks typically done by humans and also increasing in their ability to compute.

An algorithm is essentially some text in a file that allows the programmer to execute some tasks done by the computer. Therefore, the the programmer is the author of the code of the algorithm. Wouldn’t this mean that the programmer should be the one credited, rather than the algorithm itself?

Yes, the translation application can indeed give an author new ideas and thoughts. However, for example, looking at a building can also give rise to new ideas for writing. The person, team, or company in charge of designing the building is not directly involved in giving that author inspiration for ideas, but they could or should be credited for the inspiration. The same could be said for an algorithm. The coder is not directly involved in giving inspiration to the author, but it was their work that helped to give inspiration.

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